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Reading Across America

Most people know the beloved books of Dr. Suess, but did you know that there is a national week dedicated to reading? This is to encourage students to become diverse readers. In kindergarten, it starts with the creativity and colorful images of Dr. Suess books. Students enjoyed the week of celebrating Read Across America while paying homage to Dr. Suess’ birthday. Each day, students enjoyed a fun dress up day and activity to go along with one of Suess’ books. On Monday they read Cat in the Hat and had a hat day. Tuesday was silly sock day for Fox in Socks and Wednesday was mismatched outfits to go along with Wacky Wednesday. On Thursday they wore their favorite color and read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. Friday was a first for many - clad in green, while reading Green Eggs and Ham, students enjoyed eating them as well! Ms. McNerney said that “Most of the kids liked it and asked for seconds!” A fun week for the kindergarten students indeed!

Wacky Wednesday wear
Students enjoy Wacky Wednesday during Reading Across America week.