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Rocking Our Socks

March 21 is globally known as World Down Syndrome Day because it is the twenty-first day in the third month signifying the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. This year’s theme for Down syndrome is “End the Stereotypes,” which is exactly what Tully CSD is trying to do. On WDSD, staff and students of all ages rocked socks that would be noticeable. Some wore a mismatched pair while others wore really colorful ones, but no matter the type of socks worn, they helped start a conversation about ending the stereotype. Students at the elementary had fun celebrating everything that makes us all different, yet the same in their classes. Resources for families regarding WDSD were sent out and also featured on the District’s DEI website. With all the colorful socks stirring up conversation between students, we hope to be successful in diminishing the stereotype.

fun socks
Students rock their socks!